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Community Networking

Community Networking services enable the beneficiary to increase or maintain their capacity for independence and develop social roles valued by non disabled members of the community. As the beneficiary gain skills and increase community connections, service hours may fade.

Services consist of:

Participation in adult education

Development of community-based time management skill

Community-based classes for the development of hobbies or leisure/cultural interests

Volunteer work

Participation in formal/informal associations and/or community groups

Inclusion in a broad range of community settings that allow the beneficiary to make community connections

Using public transportation

Training and education in self-determination and self-advocacy

For children, staffing supports are covered to assist children to participate in day care/after school summer programs that serve typically developing children and are not funded by Day Supports

Additional service information:

Transportation will also be provided, when the activity does not include staffing support and the destination of the transportation is an integrated community setting or a self advocacy activity. Payments for transportation are an established per trip charge or mileage.This service includes a combination of training, personal assistance and supports as needed by the beneficiary during activities. Transportation to/from the beneficiary’s residence and the training site(s) is covered.


Payment for memberships can be covered when the beneficiary participates in an integrated class; and 
payment for attendance at classes and conferences is also covered.

© 2001 HeartSpring, Inc

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